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Rattowall رتووال


Info Provider by: Zohaib Ashraf Ranjha (I.Com)

 Picture gallery of Rattowal


Village Rattowal located in District Mandi Bahauddin. It is away from Mandi up to 18 km. Our Tehsil and District is Mandi Bahauudin. Our village is away up to 4km from Kadher pull. Most of the population of our village lived in Deras.

Area of village.

Total area of the village is about 80 squares that is about 2000 acres.

Brief History:

Village Rattowall is after the name of a person is known as the name of Ratta. It is said that the Ratta and the Katta were two Brothers son of Makka. Most of population consists of Ranjha  Baraderies and they occupied most of the area of Sohawa diloana most of the peoples of Sohawa were burn to death in that time. In 1947 there were many relegions such as sikh, hindu, parsi, budh, they migrated to India and the Muslims of India migrated to our village. Called as mahajor baraderies.

Neighbouring villages:

                                          Makkewall, Kattowall, Madhery, Dhoul, Kadher, Bhikhi Chuck no 38, Mangat.


Village population approximately 8000. Most of the population of the village are Muslims except twelve peoples are Christians. 60 percent Muslims are sunny and 40 Percent Muslims are Shia.

Registered voters:

The number of registered voters in the village is 2000.

·        Major castes:

Major castes of the village are:

1.      Ranjha.

2.      Gondal.

3.      Tarar.

4.      Warraich.

5.      Mughal.

6.      Bhatti.

7.      Kasbi.

8.      Mochi.

9.      Lohaar.













Important Baraderies:

Famous clans of the village are:

  • Agar ke.
  • Nasir ke.
  • Jalal ke.
  • Doulley ke.
  • Maken.
  • Teli.
  • Syed.
  • Raje kay

·        Famous personalities:

  1. Nazar Ali Shah.
  2. Molvi Riaz Hussain shah.
  3. Master Nazir.
  4. Imtiaz sub inspector.
  5. Arshad raje ka.
  6. Iqbal Numberdar.
  7. Ch. Sikander Hayat.
  8. Qaiser advocate.
  9. Syed Sajjad Hussain Shah
  10. Syed Aqeel Hyder Sub Inspector
  11. Choudry Sadaf Shoaib Ranjha
  12. Haq Nawaz Dy. superintendent jail

Means of earning:

Majority of the peoples earn their livelihood through Agriculture few peoples in Govt.  services and among them most are Teachers and in Army. Some peoples are in factories. Now our youth to go abroad to other countries like as: France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Masqat, America, Canada, Germany.

Way of living:

Peoples of village lived simple life. They have very friendly behavior peoples are very much hostile, peaceful and sincere except few black sheeps. People of village go to theirs lands to care there cattles and  crops, and come back in the evening.

Highly qualified persons:

  • Shahid Imran. (M.A English).
  • Master shareef: (M.A English).

Health facilities:

There is no hospital in the village but three clinics in the village.


Village is located 6 km from Gujarat Mandi road. Peoples of the village travel on buses, cars, pick ups, rickshaws, motor bikes.


There is one canal pass through the village.

Bazars and markets:

One main bazaar is present in the village.


5 Mosques in the village.

Imam Bargah:

One Imam Bargah present in the village.

·        Shrines:

    There are two shrines in the village these are Gundy wala, Sheikh Rajan.

·        Schools and education:

Literacy of the village three primary schools two for boys and one for girls two high school for boys and girls.

·        Grave yards:

There are two grave yards in the village.

·        Organizations:

                          Tareekhe Nafaze fiqae Jafria Tareekhe nafaze ehle Sunat.    



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